Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Evening

Levi had a great evening.  He was awake from 6:00 to 6:30 wanting to play with his toys.  He is still restrained so play is limited. He is such a good little boy. So cooperative.  He is being so goody hey took him off the paralytic sedative.  He has also tolerated food through his g tube and is up to a normal feeding. It was good to see him playing a bit and interacting.

Looks like we may have a rough night. Mark was to stay the night with him so I could get some sleep and spend time with Samuel and Meg.  (I was up all night with him last night)  We only made it until 10pm and he was crying for me and only me!! :). That is a good thing!!  Fortunately, Samuel was sleeping already and I am hoping he doesn't wake up and realize I am no longer beside him. Else Mark won't get any sleep either!  Levi stopped fussing as soon as he saw me and promptly went to sleep.  He seems agitated though and keeps twisting his body back and forth which he can't back to sedation for a bit.  He probably is tired of laying flat on his back and not being able to move his head and arms.  Night time always seems harder.  Four more days and he will be able to move a bit more which will be a huge help.

Pray for an uneventful, peaceful sleeping night for all!

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