Psalm 61:3-4
"For you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.
Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings!"
Right now as I type, a blogging buddy is hugging on Levi; giving him a gift from us. I am so grateful for this, yet, I am sadden that it is she and not us. I can't wait to hear from her and see pictures of our little guy.
We Skype with Levi every Monday night. While so grateful for this blessing, it is bittersweet. Sometimes it creates more worry because you can see he is not well. You can hear him trying to catch his breath, breathing like Darth Vader. You can see his blue lips. You can see in his eyes the weariness. Other times, even through raspy breathes, he is lively and very animated. Wanting us to make paper planes, sing songs, and read books. Melting your heart as he blows you kisses saying, "wo ai ni" (I love you). Then there are times when he says he does not want to say goodbye. That he wants to come to us. Those times are hard. How do you explain to a 2 year old we can't come, yet? One would not think a 2 year old would comprehend what has happened. What adoption is. What a family is. But Levi seems to get it. Maybe he has watched enough kids come and go, that even at 2, he understands it hasn't been him. That somehow he is missing out. Maybe it is that New Day does an awesome job in preparing their little ones for their families that are coming. I don't know. What I do know is we are ready to go. We want our little guy home. Even with all the unknowns, we are ready.
Today, a little girl named lily had heart surgery. It is the same surgery that Levi will most likely be having. She is a brave little girl. Her surgery went well, but they are having trouble getting her heart to stabilize. Even with a temporary pace maker it is not stabilizing. They are asking for prayers. Then, on Tuesday, a dear family we know has a daughter that has to go through this same surgery. So please pray for Brooke. Brooke and Levi were foster home buddies and have the same heart condition. In a few months this will be us. I can't even imagine what it will be like, but I do know that God goes before us. That He shelters us in His wings. I know He has a plan for Lily, Brooke, and Levi. We will walk this path with great expectations, knowing that our Lord has got this and blessings will abound. Please pray for Lily's heart to stabilize, for Brooke's upcoming surgery, and for our LID and LOA to come swiftly so we can go hug Levi.
We are praying so hard for sweet Lily right now...and that you are going to be traveling to bring your little heart guy home SOON!!! Thank you so much for the prayers for Brooke's surgery on Tuesday. We can't wait to see God move!!!