New day is the foster home that found Levi when he was 7.5 months old, laying in a crib, weak and malnourished. They have a formula ministry to several government run orphanages and Levi's orphanage happened to be one of them. They were able to arrange for Levi to be moved to New Day. No doubt, Levi would have died in the orphanage. This is what New Day does. They take in children with severe medical needs that otherwise would die. New Day takes these children and gets them the medical care they need, not to mention the love they receive. This is all funded by donations. No government help is given. Levi received his first surgery that saved his life due to generous donors. Right now there is a little boy named Benjamin receiving medical care. It is costing New Day $400 per day. He is just one of many babies currently receiving medical care. New Day has been doing a fundraiser the past two weeks trying to raise $12,000 for all the precious children in their care. Right now they are up to $6954. Calls come in daily from orphanages asking New Day to take children. They frequently have to turn children away due to no beds being available. New Day is some of these children's only hope. Please help by making a donation to New Day. It does not have to be much. Even $5 will help. That's one lunch you could pack instead of buying. If you want to read more about the children that have been helped click here.
Levi was the focus child yesterday. Let's help them raise the remaining $5000!